Christian News from Scotland

News stories from Scotland and beyond

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Your church is not a real church

The Roman Catholic pope Benedict has decreed that the national church of Scotland
(together with all forms of protestant churches) is not a real church.

The following article is an independent comment on the Pope's pronouncments.   The original can be found here.

Wrong Turn:
Pope Benedict XVI Detours Salvation Through Catholic Church

By approving a document saying non-Catholic Christian communities are either defective or not true churches, and the Roman Catholic Church provides the only true path to salvation, Pope Benedict leaves someone behind - Jesus!


There are some weeks when picking a number one bonehead (This Week’s Top Scrooge) is really tough.

This week isn’t one of them. Pope Benedict XVI wins the dishoner hands down, no questions asked, slam dunk, done deal, finito.

The easy pick is made possible by this: Reports came out Wednesday that Pope Benedict XVI approved a document late last month saying non-Catholic Christian communities are either defective or not true churches, and the Roman Catholic Church provides the only true path to salvation.

The document stated other Christian communities such as Protestants “cannot be called ‘churches’ in the proper sense” since they don’t have what’s known as apostolic succession – that is, the ability to trace their bishops back to the original 12 apostles of Jesus.

Before you hear more from this born-againer (me) let me continue the Pope-blunder story with more as reported in WorldNetDaily:

The document said the Orthodox church suffered from a “wound” because it did not recognize the primacy of the pope, adding the wound was “still more profound” among Protestant denominations.

It was “difficult to see how the title of ‘Church’ could possibly be attributed to them,” said the statement from the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, purporting Roman Catholicism was “the one true Church of Christ.”

“These separated churches and communities, though we believe they suffer from defects, are deprived neither of significance nor importance in the mystery of salvation,” the document read. “In fact the Spirit of Christ has not refrained from using them as instruments of salvation, whose value derives from that fullness of grace and of truth which has been entrusted to the Catholic Church.”

The document, formulated as five questions and answers, repeated sections of a 2000 text the pope wrote when he was prefect of the congregation, “Dominus Iesus,” which angered Protestant and other Christian denominations because it said they were not true churches and did not have the “means of salvation.”

I’m not a Catholic. I came from a background of Russian Orthodox church services and Sunday school, but I ran from God. I didn’t really think much about anything other than having fun in life.

Simply put, more than eight years ago, at 42 years old, I said the sinner’s prayer with someone behind a church recovery group information table and my life has never been the same since.

I know about salvation and so do many others who agree with me that it is not about church. Even with the document’s caveat that other churches “are deprived neither of significance nor importance in the mystery of salvation,” his signature places way too much weight on not only the Catholic church, but “church” in general. (BTW, I go to church nearly every Sunday…non-denominational that is…not to seal my salvation, but to fellowship and worship in community.)

The only statement that I would be thrilled to hear coming out of the Pope’s mouth is that Jesus is the way to salvation…not Catholicism, not 40 Hail Mary’s, not participation in a soup kitchen, not a Sunday service…and while I am on a roll…not ANY “religion”.

All that said, the Pope’s statment is really old news. The Catholic faith has been misleading people for a long time. Not to say that some Catholics are not saved, but they are a “works” based religion…guiding people to jump through hoops to get to heaven.

Sorry, it’s all about a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Unless a church is preaching that, it’s barking up the wrong tree.

How do I know? I have personally experienced the salvation that only Jesus can bring. It is by His grace not mine that it happened for me.

So, now do we need to be softer and kinder to the Pope? Do we not call him out on his bonehead move?

Well, too late. The press is already dogging him. The headlines this week have been incredible…some misguided, some right on.

You’ll probably hear a lot of nothing from a lot of Christians. But the way I look at it, this “event” is an opportunity to share about Jesus. The Jesus whose church is bigger and works in more ways than we can understand.

For those that have a relationship with Jesus, God’s church has no boundaries. That, my friends, is the point Benedict has sadly left out of this mess.

As for those looking for salvation, seek Him, look to Jesus as Lord. For He is the door to salvation. You may find Him by simply asking for Him from wherever you are…even sitting in front of your computer!


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Thursday, July 12, 2007

Sponsors needed for Malawi

The congregation and organisations of the West Kirk in East Kilbride Village are planning to mark the 60th anniversary of East Kilbride’s designation as a new town by making a CD to raise money to help villagers in Malawi.

The plan is to raise up to £5000 to build a clinic in Kapnda Village, refurbish the local school and, create a farm with cows, goats and chickens.

Currently, about 480 orphans live in the village, looked after by the local minister and villagers. It is hoped that the farm will make them self-sufficient in food and provide an income through selling their surplus to Kamuzu College of Nursing.

The principal of Kamuzu College has already pledged that she will give them a contract for this. , Her students will be carrying out work in the village and it is hoped the project will also bring health benefits to the orphans and the mums and babies of the village.

The CD will include a selection of Christmas carols sung by members of the West Kirk congregation, the Boys’ Brigade, Girls’ Brigade, Guides, Brownies, choir and other church organisations.

It is hoped 500 copies will be available for sale, priced £10 each, in the autumn.

To allow every penny raised by the sale of the CD to go to Africa, the church is hoping sponsors will help them with the cost of licensing, producing and printing the CD a cost expected to be about £1000. Sponsors will have their contribution acknowledged on the CD cover.

Any company or organisation willing to help can contact Lorna Sankey on East Kilbride 571479.


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Monday, July 09, 2007

Friday, July 6, 2007

British Christians urged to ‘Pray for the police’ in the wake of terror attacks

By Dan Wooding, Founder of ASSIST Ministries

LONDON, UK (ANS) -- The UK Evangelical Alliance is calling on its members to pray for the police and security services as they investigate the recent terrorist attacks and seek to prevent a backlash against Muslims.

A spokesperson said, “The Alliance is relieved that, as a result of these incidents in London and Glasgow, there have been no deaths. However these events raise major challenges for the police and the Government and threaten community cohesion.”

Dr. R David Muir, the Evangelical Alliance's Public Policy Director, said: “I would encourage Christians to pray for the Government and senior officials of the police and security services as they seek to tackle the evil of the violent extremism.

“Christians should look for ways that they can support their Muslim neighbors as citizens and strengthen common bonds so that communities are not intimidated by these threats.”

Don Axcell, Executive Director of the British Christian Police Association, added: “Please pray for the police and the security services that they may make good use of the intelligence they find.

“We would also ask for people to pray for protection for those dealing with any suspect devices that are discovered and for wisdom as they work with Muslim communities to build trust and confidence.”

You can visit the Christian Police Association for more information on how you can pray for the police services. Their website is:

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