Christian News from Scotland

News stories from Scotland and beyond

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Campaign against Regulations

2,000 protestors outside Parliament
About 2,000 people protested outside Parliament last night.

The House of Lords last night failed in an attempt to annul the Sexual Orientation Regulations for Northern Ireland. The motion was rejected by 199 votes to 68.

The Christian Institute is going ahead with legal action against the Northern Ireland regulations. This will be heard in March and, if it succeeds, will result in the regulations being quashed.

Last night's result was not unexpected. Labour and the Liberal Democrats whipped their Peers to vote against the motion while Conservative Peers were given a free vote.

There has been wide-spread media coverage of the issue, acknowledging many examples of how these laws could interfere with religious freedom.

The regulations for Scotland, England and Wales have not been published yet. It is not known what form they will take but, hopefully, the controversy surrounding the Northern Ireland regulations will help put pressure on the Government to address Christian concerns.

Read a report in The Herald here

Watch a report from BBC News:
Windows Media Player
Real Player

Read further reports from the Daily Mail, The Times, The Daily Telegraph, The Independent.