Christian News from Scotland

News stories from Scotland and beyond

Wednesday, November 15, 2006



Following pressure from a group of students, Edinburgh University has banned the University Christian Union from running one of its events on University premises. Pressure is principally coming from the Gay & Lesbian Society at Edinburgh Universitty.

The banned event is a course called PURE, which presents the Biblical basis of personal relationships. The University’s decision is based on its belief that PURE is in breach of its equality and diversity policy because PURE claims that any sexual activity outside heterosexual marriage is not God-ordained.

This incident is an attack on freedom of speech in an institution where an open exchange of views and a search after truth should be strongly upheld. In this instance the CU is being denied freedom of expression because what they say and believe is uncomfortable for some groups in the university.

University and College Christian Fellowship (UCCF), who coordinate the work of university Christian Unions, have asked that as many people as possible write to the Principal of Edinburgh University expressing disapproval at this censorship. In your letter, please concentrate on the fact that freedom of speech and belief is being curtailed.

The Principal is: Professor Timothy O’Shea, Principal and Vice-Chancellor, University of Edinburgh, Old College, South Bridge, Edinburgh EH8 9YL.

Please also pray for the CU President Andrew Hall and for Matthew Tindale, the UCCF worker in Edinburgh, that they might have wisdom beyond their years as they deal with this situation.