Christian News from Scotland

News stories from Scotland and beyond

Monday, October 16, 2006

Author Seeks "God Stories"

October 18, 2006

Christian Author Seeks God Stories from Great Britain

Do you have a God story? If you do, award-winning journalist turned author Jennifer Skiff wants it for her upcoming book God Stories: Modern Day Encounters with the Divine. The book is a compilation of short stories drawn from a diverse range of religions and cultures that have illuminated an individual’s faith or helped shape their belief system.

“A God Story is something that happens to you that is so profound it confirms your belief in the existence of a Divine Power. It is when you receive personal proof that God exists,” says Skiff.

“Eighty-six percent of the world’s population believes in a Divine power and there’s a reason for that. I’m finding that most people are hesitant to share their story at first but once they do, they are often relieved. Many say they were afraid to tell their story because they didn’t think anyone would believe them,” says Skiff. Skiff came up with the idea for the book after having several epiphanies herself.

People who have a story they’re willing to share are invited to submit it at the website The criteria for submission is that the story must be true and must have happened to the person who is submitting it. If the story is chosen for the book, Ms. Skiff will interview the contributor and then edit the story to meet the book’s format.

Jennifer Skiff is an investigative correspondent who has spent fourteen years traveling the world for CNN and CNN International News. Skiff currently splits her time between homes in London, Australia and America.

Harmony Books, a division of Crown Publishing at Random House was top bidder for the book that recently went to auction in New York.

Jennifer will be in London from October 28 – November 14th and is available as a radio guest. Talk back has been extremely successful on this topic in Australia this month. Please contact Jennifer directly by e-mail, for an interview or any additional information. Please include a phone number and she will contact you within an hour. Thank you for your consideration.