Prayer Week and Global Day of Prayer 2008
This Pentecost Sunday, May 11, millions of Christians, from 210 nations around the world will be gathering to worship and pray for God's kingdom to come on earth as part of the fourth Global Day of Prayer.
According to, there will be over 38 events across
Christians prayingthe UK in cathedrals, civic centers, stadiums, high places, parks, churches and houses of prayer.
"The Global Day of Prayer started in South Africa in 2005 and is based on Acts 1 and 2 - ten days of constant prayer (May 1-10); 1 day for the whole church to gather (May 11) and 90 days of blessing (May 12-August 10). The aim is to see local churches united in prayer to see communities transformed by the Holy Spirit," said the Christian Today story.
"Six Anglican cathedrals will host united prayer events in Birmingham, Chester, Norwich, Beverley Minster, Sunderland Minster and York Minster.
In Belfast, Christians will be meeting in the Great Hall of the Parliament Buildings in Stormont to worship, pray and give thanks for God's answers to prayer in the province.
Christians in Edinburgh will prayer-walk the seven hills surrounding the city and Swansea will host a gathering in Castle Gardens.
"Churches across London have been invited to use sections of the Prayer for the World on the Sunday morning. There will be three stadium events in Redditch, on the Isle of Wight, and the UK's biggest event will be at Millwall football stadium in London where plans are being made for 30,000 Christians to gather."
Jane Holloway, UK coordinator of the Global Day of Prayer and head of the World Prayer Centre, Birmingham, said, "We hope that many people will join in and be part of this unprecedented prayer meeting on 11 May and then put feet on their prayers taking part in all the initiatives planned for the rest of the year with Hope08."
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Prayer Week 4th to 11th May 2008
Global Day of Prayer Sunday 11th May 2008
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