Christian News from Scotland

News stories from Scotland and beyond

Monday, December 03, 2007

Scottish Broadcasting Commission wants your views

Earlier this year the Scottish Government set up the Scottish Broadcasting Commission with a remit to conduct an independent investigation into the current state of television production and broadcasting in Scotland and define a strategic way forward for the industry. The Commission is required to produce its report in 2008.

The Scottish Broadcasting Commission are now asking people to come forward with their views on television broadcasting in Scotland.
The Commission is currently looking at those factors which have an influence on the economic potential of broadcasting in Scotland and is seeking evidence of people's experiences, knowledge and views on this.

They want to hear from everyone who has a say in this matter - from the Chief Executives of the major broadcasters to the grip on the latest period drama production, the indie producer making their latest pitch, the camera operator in the studio, the Corrie fan or the watcher of Songs of Praise.

A new website for the Commission has now gone live and can be found at