Christian News from Scotland

News stories from Scotland and beyond

Friday, November 02, 2007

Government think tank misunderstands what it is to be British

According to Sayeeda Warsi, the Conservative spokesman on community cohesion, a UK Government think tank report which proposes to downgrade Christmas displays "a breathtaking misunderstanding of what it is to be British."

Quoted in a report in the Daily Mail of 1st November 2007, she added:

"You don't build community cohesion by throwing out our history and denying the fundamental contribution Christianity has played and does play to our nation.

"As a British Muslim I can see that - so why others can't just staggers me."
And she attacked ceremonies to mark the registration of a baby.

"The thought of Gordon Brown sharing responsibility with me for bringing up my children sends a shiver down my spine. I thought we got rid of communism?"


An article in the Daily Express of 1st November 2007 reports that Christmas celebrations are an obstacle to better community relations in multi-cultural Britain, according to a Labour Party think tank.

A report from the Institute for Public Policy Research - which has close ties with Downing Street - says the festive season should be put on an equal footing with the festivals of other religions, including Diwali and Eid.

And it also calls for Christian elements to be stripped from the Monarchy, Parliament and the honours system to “foster a sense of shared values.”