Christian News from Scotland

News stories from Scotland and beyond

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Government Cowards Stifle Debate

  • United Kingdom Members of Parliament were last night denied the opportunity for debate as the Government rushed the Sexual Orientation Regulations through the Commons at short notice. MPs approved the regulations by 310 votes to 100.
  • Church leaders have openly criticised the Government for stifling debate in the Commons regarding the regulations.
  • The House of Lords will vote tomorrow evening on whether to accept or reject the regulations.Peers will not be allowed to amend the regulations.
  • The Lords vote has been timetabled by the Government to happen on the same day as the Budget is announced by the Chancellor - a move which is being viewed as a deliberate attempt to push the regulations out of the media spotlight.
With mounting opposition to this regulations from faith groups, the UK's Labour Government has chosen to take the route of ignoring democracy in an endeavour to force unwanted and unnecessary regulation on the British public.

Those entitled to vote in the imminent elections for the Scottish Parliament and Scottish local authorities may wish to take note of how a modern Labour government is willing to steamroller over the views of the electorate - and examine all the alternatives which will be available to you.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Sexual Orientation Regulations

Last week Parliament's Joint Committee on Human Rights published a report on the Sexual Orientation Regulations which is generally hostile to religious liberty - perhaps we should not be surprised about this given that prominent homosexual rights advocates are Committee members.

Religious liberty should mean more than freedom to believe in your head, it must involve the freedom to live out your faith.

The Government has not yet published the Sexual Orientation Regulations for Great Britain and will need to lay the regulations in Parliament very soon to meet its implementation date of 6 April.

The Christian Institute has published an update briefing on the Sexual Orientation Regulations which gives excellent advice on the potential impact of these regulations on Christians, faith organisations and businesses which operate with faith-based ethics - download it here.

Bishop of Durham, Tom Wright
“This completely fails to take into account the views and beliefs of all those involved. ...the idea that new Labour can come up with a new
morality which it forces on the Catholic Church after 2,000 years; I am sorry, this is amazing arrogance on the part of the Government.”
The Times, 30 January 2007

Federation of Synagogues
“This legislation is forcing religious groups to operate against their convictions and that sets a very dangerous precedent.”
The Jewish Chronicle, 2 February 2007

Muslim Council of Britain
“The Muslim Council of Britain fully supports the principled stand taken by the leaders of the Catholic and Anglican churches on the Sexual Orientation Regulations (SOR). The right to practise one’s faith... is a cornerstone of our society...”
MCB Press Release, 25 January 2007

Bishop of Rochester, Michael Nazir-Ali
“These regulations will certainly affect a great deal of charitable work done by the churches and others. It is the poor and disadvantaged who will be the losers.”
Daily Mail, 29 November 2006