Age of consent consultation - URGENT
It has been discovered that the Scottish Government has been holding an extremely low key consultation on radical plans for sweeping changes to the age of consent law.
The deadline for responding to the consultation is tomorrow (Friday, 14 March).
The deadline for responding to the consultation is tomorrow (Friday, 14 March).
- For a Christian Institute briefing that sets out the proposals, click on this link:
- For contact details and tips for writing, click on this link:
The consultation is a response to a Scottish Law Commission report published in December 2007.
The Commission's recommendations include
- legalising sex between children both aged 13 to 15.
- The proposals will also permit those over 16 to engage in certain forms of sexual activity with someone no more than two years younger.
- Under the plans a 15 year-old could legally engage in homosexual activity with a 13 year-old boy; a 15-year-old boy could have sex with a girl aged 13.
Please respond to this consultation.
It is vital that as many Christians as possible object to these proposals.