Christian News from Scotland

News stories from Scotland and beyond

Wednesday, September 19, 2007



Sources: Baptist Press, Religion Today

In what some are calling groundbreaking research, a new four-year study concludes that it is possible for homosexuals to change their physical attractions and become heterosexual through the help of Christian ministries.

The data was released Thursday, Sept. 13, at a news conference in Nashville, Tenn., and is published by InterVarsity Press in the, "Ex-Gays?", authored by psychologists Stanton L. Jones and Mark A. Yarhouse.

Thirty-eight percent of the subjects followed in the study said they had successfully left homosexuality while an additional 29 percent said they had had only modest successes but were committed to keep trying.

In another significant finding, the authors said attempts at conversions do not appear to be psychologically harmful.

“These findings contradict directly the commonly expressed views of the mental health establishment that change in sexual orientation is impossible, and that if you attempt to change it’s highly likely to produce harm for those who make such an attempt,” Jones, a professor of psychology at Wheaton College in Illinois, said at a news conference.

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Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Creation Research Tour

John Mackay, International director of Creation Research, will be in the UK from October to December.

His Scottish itinerary is:-

Saturday 20th Oct. 10:30 AM to 4:30 PM
Sunday 21st Oct. 11.00 AM, 6:30 & 8:30 PM
Carrubbers Christian Centre 65 High Street, EH1 1SR
Contact: Michael Luehrmann
Phone: 0131 556 2626

Wednesday 24th Oct. 7:30 PM
New Scone Church, Angus Road, PH2 6QU
Contact: James Gemmell
Phone: 01738-551467

Thursday 25th. Oct. 8:00 PM
Destiny Church, George Square Lecture Theatre, George Square EH8 9LK
Contact: Owen Lima
Phone: 0131-555-2707

Friday 26th. Oct. 8:00 PM
Destiny Church, 12 Casselbank Street, EH6 5HA
Contact: Owen Lima
Phone: 0131-555-2707

Saturday 27th Oct. 7:00 PM
St. Columba Church, Duchal Road, PA13 4AS
Contact: Muriel Ellis
Phone: 01505-873139

Sunday 28th Oct. 10:30 AM & 7:00 PM
Dunblane Christian Fellowship, Stirling Road, Dunblane FK15 9EX
Contact: Duncan Strathdee
Phone: 01786-823668

Tuesday 30th Oct. 7:30 PM
Dornoch & District Christian Fellowship
Dornoch Academy, Evelix Road IV25 3NH
Contact: Barrie Fairns
Phone: 01408-633244

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Homosexual harassment law quashed

A judge in Belfast High Court has quashed laws which threatened the religious freedom of Christians.

Mr Justice Weatherup struck down the 'harassment' provisions of the Northern Ireland sexual orientation regulations.

This means Christians cannot be sued for expressing their opposition to homosexual practice.

The judge also ruled that religious liberty may be significantly affected by the regulations in individual cases which may come before the courts.

The judge added that in such cases County Courts in Northern Ireland should consider the principles of the Brocki case from Canada. In that case a court ruled that a Christian printer should not be forced to print material which goes against his core religious beliefs, but that a Christian printer must be willing to print other material, such as letterhead, for homosexual customers.

Yesterday's ruling also narrows the sexual orientation regulations in Northern Ireland so that they cannot apply to the school curriculum or affect every activity of a faith-based group which receives some public funding (only the specific activity for which a faith-based group receives public funding will be affected).

Christians offering accomodation can no longer be prosecuted for stating their opposition to giving a room to a gay or lesbian couple.

The case was supported by The Christian Institute, the Reformed Presbyterian Church, the Congregational Union, the Evangelical Presbyterian Church, the Association of Baptist Churches, the Fellowship of Independent Methodist Churches and Christian Camping International.

The judgement is viewed as embarrasing for the United Kingdom government and having widespread implications, as the Government has already initiated consultations about whether to introduce the harassment laws into the rest of Britain as part of a proposed Single Equality Bill.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Frenzy 08

Tickets for Frenzy08 go on sale on 1st November.

Call the ticket hotline from 8am on that day - 08708 748 748

Leeland have just confirmed that they will be playing with Delirious? at Frenzy08 on Saturday 7th June 2008.